Empowering businesses and individuals, through  education, networking, and mental health advocacy, fostering confident leadership, workforce capacity, and community well-being."

Building  Skills, in Individuals and Organisations to Prioritise Mental Health and Save Lives

Get your

Stress Mastery Score

right here!


Are you overwhelmed, overstretched, feeling the pressures of life, work, business, family, and heading for burnout?


Is Stress taking over your life?

 Discover your unique stress score and a way you can master your stress and take your life back!


Take the quiz!

Get your

Stress Mastery Score

right here!


Are you overwhelmed, overstretched, feeling the pressures of life, work, business, family, and heading for burnout?


Is Stress taking over your life?

 Discover your unique stress score and a way you can master your stress and take your life back!


Mental Health

First Aid

A conversation has the power to save a life, so everyone should know the right language to use.

This course equips you with the knowledge and practical skills to provide mental health first aid to individuals.

Find Out More

Life, Laughs and

Mental Health: Real Talk

 Exploring life's joys, sharing laughs, and navigating the maze of mental health.

Join us on a journey of resilience and growth.







Is there a course or training you’d like to me to deliver?
or Have you seen a course you are interested in but would like to know more about it?
Then feel free to book in a zero obligation chat.
I love a good chat, especially if it means that you gain the knowledge to save lives.
That just fills my cup!


Book Now



Knowledge saves lives. However information is not enough
The Training Hub ensures that learners not only acquire knowledge but also develop the confidence and ability to apply it effectively in real-world situations.



The Training Hub


Are you a woman in business and wanting to connect with other like-minded women? 
Come and join us at the next free online networking event
'Fierce Women in Business'
Fierce Women

Hi I'm Jen,

28 years of experience in mental health and personal development, walking alongside clients, supporting and guiding them to build self awareness and self-belief and building teams of staff to do the same. 
I am a passionate advocate, believer and educator of Mental Health and it’s profound impact on all aspects of our lives, our families, our businesses and our communities.  
I deliver training that saves lives. If you are interested in finding out how then head over to The Training Hub or book me in for a zero obligation chat and lets see how we can work together in 2025.



Definitely Interested